marriage agency PRACTICE is legal Company which works under socially
psychological Center PRACTICE.
Activity of agency is completely legal. The owner of Marriage agency
Practice is Natalia Nikolaevna Proniakina.
As unique owner, Natalia Proniakina has all necessary documents which
are stipulated by the Government of Russia and other competent
These are such documents:
1) The certificate about the state registration, given of Administration
of the city of Stavropol.
2) The certificate about Taxes inspection.
3) The document about payment of all necessary taxes.
4) Registration number in the Uniform State Register of Russia.
Today, Agency Practice has some offices in Stavropol region and
this agency is the most reliable and successful agency in Stavropol and
Stavropol region.
Natalia Proniakina has two higher educations. The first education
is medical and the second education is practical psychologist, and
expert of family relations and public relations. Natalia has the diploma
of Moscow State University. Natalia Proniakina has a long-term
operational experience as psychologist - consultant of questions of
family and a marriage. Also Natalia Proniakina is author of
clauses on this theme in some newspapers and magazines.
In our agency work such experts, as: lawyers, the translators, t
secretary and other necessary experts. For improvement of quality of our
work we involve in performance of the certain work and other experts.
The marriage agency Practice is the unique representative of many
foreign agencies in Stavropol region. If it will be necessary for you,
we can give to you recommendations from our partners.
Our address:
355000, SPC PRACTICE & Marriage Agency Practice, Marshal Zhukov Street
21 A of. 7 , Stavropol, Russia
Tel. + 7 (8652) 24-75-27
E-mail: (general questions)
E-mail of Natalia Proniakina: